“I rolled my eyes and stepped away from Chase. "I'd really like to be kept out of the pissing contest boys. I'm not a bone for the two of you to fight over like dogs. We have things to discuss and need Liam and Jenna here to do it. I have somewhere to be later and I'm not going to let the two of you ruin my evening with your childishness. We clear?"I bounced my gaze back and forth between the two of them before receiving affirmative nods from them both. Kieran couldn't leave it at that though and had to comment, "That whole take charge put us in our place thing was totally hot, Evy. Right?" He looked to Chase for agreement who rolled his eyes at Kieran but winked at me before disappearing.”

Heather Self

Heather Self - “I rolled my eyes and stepped away from...” 1

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