“We do not choose what happens to us. We can only choose what we do after. What we do now. We can only choose to keep going.”
“We do not choose our fate, we can only choose if we accept it. Fate will take us where it will, whether we will it or not.” (Sister Mira)”
“We don't get to chose what is true. We only get to choose what we do about it.”
“We can only choose whether we will feel and not what we will feel.”
“How do we come to choose what it is that we spend our days doing? Would we choose it again if we could? Did we choose it today, or has it simply carried us along somehow?”
“The question of what we are can only be answered by ourselves. We each decide what we are by the life choices we make. How we were made, who are parents are, where we are from, the color of our skin, who we choose to love, all those things do not define us. Our actions define us, and will keep defining us until even after death.”