“Now he was singed by pain. When he finally opened his eyes he saw, at the end of the narrow green path, dazzlingly bright light. There she is, he thought breathlessly, there she is. With a shout of joy and deliverance he plunged forward to meet the light.”
“When he finally opened his eyes he saw her sit upand smile at him. She was beautiful, her dark hair wastousled, and her green eyes glimmered. God have mercy.He’d died and gone to heaven.”
“He felt twilight. Not there seemed to be some kind of wet light traveling over his legs and stomach with a deeply attractive smell. It wound itself-this wet light- all about him, splashing and running into his skin. He opened his eyes and saw what he imagined was the great wing of an eagle pouring a wet lightness over him. Some kind of baptism, some kind of blessing, he thought. Everything is going to be all right, it said. Knowing that it was so he closed his eyes and sank back into the bright hole of sleep.”
“He saw light, dazzling, blinding, and it scared him.”
“She shivered as he left her to go to the fire, and find water and cloths. He leaned into the light, and brightness and shadows moved across his body. He was beautiful. She admired him, and he flashed a grin at her. Almost as beautiful as you are conceited, she thought at him, and he laughed out loud.”
“He knew she saw it coming. He saw the pain in her eyes, but it wasn’t from his fist. She was disappointed.Disappointed in me.Cole started running. He hit the side door and let it bang loudly against the building. He ran full tilt toward the busy road. This is it. I’m going down. Finally.”