“What demon possessed me that I behaved so well? You may say the wisest thing you can old man, — you who have lived seventy years, not without honor of a kind,– I hear an irresistible voice which invites me away from all that.”
“If I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?”
“I hear a voice you cannot hear, which says I must not stay; I see a hand you cannot see, which beckons me away.”
“Show me the man you honor and I will know what kind of man you are.”
“Show me the man you honor, and I will know what kind of man you are”
“Well, what, what new thing can they say to me that I don't know myself? And is that the point? The point here is that--one turn of the wheel, and everything changes, and these same moralizers will be the first (I'm sure of it) to come with friendly jokes to congratulate me. And they won't all turn away from me as they do now. Spit on them all! What am I now? Zéro. What may I be tomorrow? Tomorrow I may rise from the dead and begin to live anew! I may find the man in me before he's lost!”