“The chief impression produced on Isabel's spirit by this criticism, was that the passion of love separated its victim terribly from everyone but the loved object”
“...the passion of love separated its victim terribly from everyone but the loved object.”
“It is time, therefore, that you should apply for aid to such helpful Spirits. But will you have the strength of mind, the courage to endure the approach of Beings so different from mankind? I know that their coming produces certain inevitable effects, as internal tremors, the revulsion of the blood from its ordinary course; but I also know that these terrors, these revulsions, painful as they undoubtedly are, must appear as nothing compared with the mortal pain of separation from an object loved greatly and exclusively.”
“You cannot separate passion from pathology any more than you can separate a person's spirit from his body.”
“The more I try to impress people, the more I separate myself from them. Vulnerability attracts love.”
“She was aware that in love even the most passionate idealism will not rid the body's surface of its terrible, basic importance.”