“Previously, when I began to write this tale, I set out by saying that Mlle. Claude was a whore. She is a whore, of course, and I'm not trying to deny it, but what I say now is--if Mlle. Claude is a whore then what name shall I find for the other women I know?”
“She was so unlike the other women he'd slept with. Course, they were whores, mostly...”
“I swore we'd never be together, but—''Your inner whore would not be denied.' she finished.”
“I was actually going out of the hospital with two whores on a fishing boat; I had to keep saying it over and over to myself to believe it.”
“I don’t want a whore, Leah. I want you to accept who I am and what we are to each other.”
“It reminds me of an old joke: What did the Zombie say to the whore?" I looked at him blankly. "Um....what?" He winked. "Keep the tip.”