“This is all a figurative way of speaking about what is unmentionable. What is unmentionable is pure fuck and pure cunt; it must be mentioned only in de luxe editions, otherwise the world will fall apart. What holds the world together, as I have learned from bitter experience, is sexual intercourse. But fuck, the real thing, cunt, the real thing, seems to contain some unidentified element which is far more dangerous than nitroglycerine.”
“What holds the world together, as I have learned from bitter experience, is sexual intercourse.”
“You fucking knew that fucking cunt would fuck some cunt.”
“I'll tell you the only real truth. Cunt is where it all begins and where it all ends. Cunt is the only thing worth living for. Everything else is a fake, a fraud and just shit.”
“Lots of things are more than what they seem in a purely physical sense.”
“And among adults, adultery is an unmentionable thing, which only occurs in the Bible and in Mobile.”