“If there was a god, he wouldn't let a guy walk right up and shoot you in the face now would he? That's right, now you get the picture. Truth burns doesn't it?”
“If he was the right guy you wouldn't have felt that way. You would have made the time because you wanted to be with him.”
“If you weren't getting pretty close to crazy right now, would you be talking to yourself right now?”
“I have nine different weapons concealed on my body right now. Would you like to choose the one I use to shoot you in the face? Or should i?”
“Oh, come on, just this once," Eve said. "Protects your neck. As in your arteries and veins?That's kind of crucial, right?""Thanks for the thought, but it doesn't go with my shoes.""You're seriously going to worry about what people think right now?""No, I'm worrying about people taking pictures and putting them on Facebook. That crap never dies. Kind of like you, Mikey."Michael, straight-faced, said, "He's got a point, because I would definitely take pictures. So would you."Eve had to grin. "Yeah, I would. Okay, then. But you'd look glam. I could fix you up with silver eye shadow to match.”
“Right now, me getting killed would be redundant....You could stab a knife right through my heart and you'd be too late....Right now, getting killed would be a breath of spring.”