“She stood there, half lit by the street lamp, her diamond choker sparkling. A knot formed in my stomach, and I knew it wasn’t from the appetizers I’d eaten earlier that night. Then, in a haunting tone I still remember to this day, she whispered, ‘My dear, dear friend....Quo vadis?”
“Ana Luisa me contó su versión de Quo Vadis? y es como para ponerse a llorar. Su falta de estudios resulta un problema. No obstante, puede remediarse y además veo en ella cualidades que la compensan. No tengo derecho a criticarla. Amo a Ana Lluisa y lo demás no importa”
“I know not how the Christians order their own lives, but I know that where their religion begins, Roman rule ends, Rome itself ends, our mode of life ends, the distinction between conquered and conqueror, between rich and poor, lord and slave, ends, government ends, Caesar ends, law and all the order of the world ends; and in place of these appears Christ, with a certain mercy not existent hitherto, and kindness, as opposed to human and our Roman instincts.(Quo Vadis)”
“Drogi panie, życie upływa na samych qui pro quo! Są qui pro quo miłości, qui pro quo przyjaźni, qui pro quo polityki, finansów, Kościoła, urzędu, handlu, żon, mężów...”
“Managers maintain an efficient status quo while leaders attack the status quo to create something new.”