“A person or an act is never entirely Sansara or entirely Nirvana, a person is never entirely holy or entirely sinful. It does really seem like this, because we are subject to deception, as if time was something real. Time is not real.”
“The word ‘sin’ is derived from the Indo-European root ‘es-,’ meaning ‘to be.’ When I discovered this etymology, I intuitively understood that for a [person] trapped in patriarchy, which is the religion of the entire planet, ‘to be’ in the fullest sense is ‘to sin'.”
“For there is only one person in this entire world whom you can honestly,entirely, and completely fall for”
“All we do our entire lives is go to one piece of holy ground to another”
“Neither a person entirely brokennor one entirely whole can speak.In sorrow, pretend to be fearless. In happiness, tremble.”