“Alcoholism is...an incurable disease. You will have it for life. Just like you can't turn a pickle back into a cucumber.”
“I have a problem. I wouldn’t say I’m in a pickle. More like a vinegarized cucumber.”
“Love isn't simple, Katie, and neither is life. Things that are worth having are sometimes complicated, and they evoke complicated emotions. You know, one of the reasons people often turn to alcohol or drugs is that they can't deal with complications.”
“You can't just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood. What mood is that? Last-minute panic.”
“The closed mind is a disease. You need to have an open mind; otherwise life will just pass you by.”
“You can't just turn your heart off like a faucet; you have to go to the source and dry it out, drop by drop.”