“...and where shall we go from here? The Library is vast and infinite.”
“Where do we go from here?"-Kiera"We go nowhere."-Denny”
“But first whom shall we sendIn search of this new world, whom shall we findSufficient? Who shall tempt, with wand'ring feetThe dark unbottomed infinite abyssAnd through the palpable obscure find outHis uncouth way, or spread his aery flightUpborne with indefatigable wingsOver the vast abrupt, ere he arriveThe happy isle?”
“She feared the unknown as we all do, and her ignorance made the unknown infinitely vast.”
“Where do I go from here?”
“Our ingress into the world was naked and bare; our progress through the world is trouble and care; our egress from the world will be nobody knows where; but if we do well here we shall do well there.”