“Thank you, Edward. You really are special. Being able to create something so wonderful.....But it's too bad... ... You couldn't put me back together too. Trisha Elric”
“Told you, Rose. Get too close to the sun, and you'll burn."-Edward Elric”
“But if you have so much fun, then why don't you get together more than once a month?'She looked at me like a wise old owl and winked. 'Do something too often and it stops being special.”
“I wonder if it's putting on someone else's skin for a while that she likes so much, or if it's the option of being able to send back a circumstance that just doesn't suit you.”
“You couldn't really say that something that hurts so badly feels good exactly. It's more that it just feels right. And something that feels so right just couldn't be bad. It has to be good.”
“There's no such thing as being cowardly in a fight.~Edward Elric”