“Why have you come to me here, dear heart, with all these instructions? I promise you I will do everything just as you ask. But come closer. Let us give in to grief, however briefly, in each other's arms.”
“That's not cruel. This is. You come here in the middle of the night, expecting me to be awake, and ask—no, demand—me to give you things that belong to me as much as they belong to you. Never mind what it does to me. Never mind that each time I see you, I wonder if I'll ever hold you in my arms again, or be able to touch you without you cringing away like I'm a monster. I think it's fair to ask if there's an 'us,' my dear, because I suspect you're trying to use me just now. Tell me that's not cruel, and I'll let you go.”
“We deserve each other, Luis … and I need you just as much as you need me. Hold me.”He steps closer, but hesitates. “If I do, mi chava, I can’t promise I’ll be able to let you go.”
“Why do you come here?""I promised.""I release you from your promise!""It wasn't you I promised," the angel said quietly.”
“No matter how long it takes or however long I am gone, I will always come back to you. Just like the goldsmith came back for his love. You promised your heart to me so long ago and with this ring came your heart. So I shall give mine.”
“Why should I? What do you promise me?Nothing. And everything. A life of danger and adventure. A chance to be yourself. Leave him. Come with me.”