“An unfulfilled vocation drains the color from a man's entire existence.”
“Cruelty and fear shake hands together. An unfulfilled vocation drains the color from a man's entire existence.”
“Vocations which we wanted to pursue, but didn't, bleed, like colors, on the whole of our existence.”
“The bleached ceilings, walls, and floors gleam in perfection. Drained of color, wiped of contamination, forever untainted they exist; a cold reminder of my purity.”
“Hearts got broken every day. Nobody died from that. But it did kind of fade the sunlight and drain the color from the days.”
“A healthy marriage is the union of two already complete people who choose to invest in each other. Two people who drain each other because they have nothing to invest - only withdrawals to take from each other - make for a very unhealthy, unfulfilling relationships.”