“Every cataclysm is welcomed by somebody; there is always someone to rejoice at disaster and see in it the prospect of a new beginning and a better world.”
“Every man in the world is better than someone else and not as good as someone else.”
“Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities.”
“No man will be kept in hell loner than is necessary to bring him to a fitness for something better. When he reaches that stage the prison doors will open and there will be rejoicing among the hosts who welcome him into a better state.”
“...The girl raised her eyes to see who was passing by the window, and that casual glance was the beginning of a cataclysm of love that still had not ended half a century later.”
“Every ending is a new beginning. Through the grace of God, we can always start again. (Page 120.)”