“I would sell my last cow for a handful of magical beans”
“You should never hesitate to trade your cow for a handful of magic beans.”
“The difference between a cow and a bean is a bean can begin an adventure.”
“Why, you may ask, didn't we have a cow tonight? No one would sell Bayard one. He had the brilliant idea of telling the farmers why he wanted the cow. The God-fearing folk would sell their cows to be eaten, but not for raising zombies. Prejudiced bastards.”
“Sell your book like a can of beans & your readers will place the same value on it.”
“Don't touch any of my weapons without my permission.""Well, there goes my plan for selling them all on eBay," Clary muttered."Selling them on what?"Clary smiled blandly at him. "A mythical place of great magical power.”