“An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't.”
“Just know that you can. I won’t tell. I might not be able to do much for you, but I’ll hold your secrets.”
“I can give you time and space, but I can’t promise how much. It is physically unbearable to be this close to you and not be able to touch you in all the places I know you like to be touched, and to taste you in all the places I know you like to be tasted. I can’t promise you my restraint will last for long.”
“Therefore I beg you, reader, not to rejoice too greatly if you have read much, but if you have understood much. Nor that you have understood much, but that you have been able to retain it. Otherwise it is of little profit either to read or to understand.”
“The truly terrible thing about this life, was not knowing what you want, but only able to recognize what you do not want. You have to spend so much time and energy trying to find it out, time that other people spent in pursuing of their desires.”