“From a thread of skyto the warp and weft of your beingYou're beautiful, graceful,like no other;You're pretty damn good as you are.”
“Warp threads are thicker than the weft, and made of a coarser wool as well. I think of them as like wives. Their work is not obvious - all you can see are the ridges they make under the colorful weft threads. But if they weren't there, there would be no tapestry. Georges would unravel without me.”
“It's a damn good thing you're so pretty, honey, because sometimes, you're really quite stupid.”
“Well," I said finally, knowing he was waiting, "you make me laugh."He nodded. "And?""You're pretty good-looking.""Pretty good-looking? I called you beautiful.""You want to be beautiful?" I asked him."Are you saying I'm not?”
“Did you know, you're sort of beautiful?''You hit your head pretty hard, didn't you?”
“She was pretty, yeah, but pretty like hundreds of other girls. You," he dabbed the bread in the air as if sketching her, "you're...memorable. Who you are just shines through your face.”