“It is important to keep in mind that our bodies must work pretty well, or their wouldn't be so many humans on the planet.”
“It is critically important that as we age and our bodies become less flexible our minds become more so.”
“We must never forget that while striving to leave a better planet to our kids, it is just as important that we strive to leave better kids to our planet.”
“I cannot let a place that is so important to so many people fade away. Something that is wonder and comfort and mystery all together that they have nowhere else. If you had that, wouldn't you want to keep it?”
“Mind and body are in many ways opposite from each other, and mind and body must each act according to its own principles. Nonetheless, while the mind and body are different in disposition, they are complementary opposites that form a single whole. For us to sustain mind and body harmony, and function as whole human beings, we need to discover the actual nature of the mind’s characteristics.”
“Let your body work until it is spent, but keep your mind for yourself.”