“When I was her age," Munro said to Eilidh, "I was chasing frogs."Oron Chuckled. "When I was your age, I was chasing frogs. Come. We have things to discuss.”
“I am, indeed, pure Frog, but at the same time I am a thing that stands for a world of un-Frog.”
“Mother Goose!I have never much cared for flippant remarks, especially when others make them, and in particular, I don't give a frog's fundament for them when they come from an adult.”
“When I was your age I knew how to listen to television and learn a few things.”
“and let me remember that my courage is a wild dog; it won’t just come when I call it, I have to chase it down and hold on as tight as I can.”
“I don’t get the phrase, “Cut to the chase.” When I’m exasperated with all the verbal running around and skirting the issue, the last thing I want is more chasing. Let’s cut to the caught.”