“Nonetheless even in capitulation there is still hope, and this hope of human beings never ends, will never end.”
“Hope isn't an abstract theory about where human aspirations end and the impossible begins; it's a never-ending experiment, continually expanding the boundaries of the possible.”
“In the end, I felt hope. I realized that my soul was not permanently scarred after all. I was still a human being." —Karl Schnibbe”
“Because if one has an image, however dim and romantic, of a journey's end, one may, in the end, surely reach it, after no matter how many detours and deceptions and abandonings of hope. And hope could never have been entirely abandoned, even in the worst days.”
“Human beings are never to be treated as a means but always as ends.”
“Never lose faith in yourself, and never lose hope; remember, even when this world throws its worst and then turns its back, there is still always hope.”