“For me the whole world is like a gigantic theater in which I am the only spectator without opera glasses. The orchestra plays the prelude to the third act, the stage is far away as in a dream, my heart swells with delight—and you want to blind me with a pair of half-ruble spectacles?”
“I am not afraid of death, which after all can't be far away. What does frighten me, though, is the halfway stage.”
“I wanted the music to be full, to surround us, to lift us like the swell, so I rented a bloody orchestra. You only live once.”
“I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me.”
“The sound of your heart is a tiny orchestra playing just for me.”
“Theater cannot include only people. What acts on stage is matter.”