“The windows are empty holes lined with glass teeth.”
“It was a blonde. A blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window.”
“The hot blue-glass eyes of the mannequins watched as the ladies drifted down the empty river bottom street, their images shimmering in the windows like blossoms seen under darkly moving waters.”
“That is what a shadow is, and empty space, a hole in the light. Evil is this - a hole in the goodness of God.”
“My glass was empty. I poured more scotch into it, took a small sip, and all at once the silly thing was empty again. Strange. Then it was full again. And then it was empty again. Strange, I thought. Fool glass must have a hole in it. Scotch disappears the instant it's poured. Strange. Then I was stretched out on the bed, too tired and too drunk to bother removing my shoes. My eyes closed themselves and the world crept away on little cat feet, leaving me floating in the middle of the air.”
“The wisdom's in the trees not the glass windows.”