“I go to bed with horror on my wings. In my pillow is sad comforts. Like my mother says, 'On essaye a s'y prendre, pi sa travaille pas' (We try to manage, and it turns out shit).”
“I don't know if I saw blood before turning into Mother's arms or if I daubed it on later, in my memory, with a brush (Life of Pi 36)”
“Out of the sad sack of sad shit that was my life, I made a wordhouse.”
“Then I went to bed and cried into my pillow. I wasn't sad, not at all. It was just so beautiful to have an intense feeling and the right words at the same time.What are we but our stories?”
“Going to bed at sunrise, I find a blindfold helps me sleep. Also, I like it when my kidnappers put pillows in the trunk.”
“Jade is my everything: my wings, my roots, my sky. I am in love with her.And she tried to kill me.Now that is some messed up shit right now.”