“THEY WILL ALL BETRAY YOU, War said.And they would. Whether it was her teachers or her friends or her family, they would all betray her. Maybe it would be couched in helpful terms, and maybe their faces would be brimming with sympathy. But in the end, they would all let her down.They would all cut her down.They would all slap labels on her and spoon-feed her appropriate words, wipe her mouth with their expectations. Theywould wind her up and make her dance, and when they were done they'd put her away. They would keep doing it and doing it, until she was nothing more than a shell, a skin, something to slip on and slip off and tuck in at the corners.They would ... unless she stopped them.”

Jackie Morse Kessler

Jackie Morse Kessler - “THEY WILL ALL BETRAY YOU, War...” 1

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