“The second officer had turned fully to look down at Vincent's saws. “Those are for dissecting dwarves and children,” The Saw Man said, gravely.”
“The officers saluted as she passed and gravely bowed. They walked back across the courtyard and got into their chairs. She saw Waddington light a cigarette. A little smoke lost in the air, that was the life of a man.”
“The first grave. Now we're getting someplace. Houses and children and graves, that's home, Tom. Those are the things that hold a man down.”
“He saw a blinded convulsing body thrown down into an open grave. It was an image he could not escape.”
“....And then I turned and saw a guy staring at me...."What are you looking at, idiot?" I asked, giving him the sneer that had served me so well."My future wife. The mother of my children.”
“I'd never been turned on by the Ken doll—even before I looked down his pants and saw what was missing.”