“By so much the more are we inwardly foolish, by how much we strive to seem outwardly wise”
“Silence is foolish if we are wise, but wise if we are foolish.”
“As to conforming outwardly and living your own life inwardly, I do not think much of that.”
“Whether outwardly or inwardly, whether in space or time, the farther we penetrate the unknown, the vaster and more marvelous it becomes.”
“How much the more in judging of the human heart should we distrust all fashionable airs and graces, all tricks and smartness, learnt only to please the outward gaze”
“Though we may prefer ourselves to the universe, we nonetheless loathe ourselves much more than we suspect. If the wise man is so rare a phenomenon, it is because he seems unshaken by the aversion which, like all beings, he must feel for himself.”