“A choice with no consequences has no value. Making a choice knowing there will be consequences, and being willing to bear them, is what distinguishes the right choices from the wrong ones.”
“Each choice has a consequence. Each consequence a destination.”
“It's a choice, Annabel. And if you make the wrong one, you have only yourself to blame when there are consequences.”
“Everything you do in life, every choice you make, has a consequence. When you do things without thinking, then you aren't making the choice. The choice is making you.”
“The problem is, i don't know what choice is the right oneholder: That's because none of them are the right choice. Sometimes you have to choose between a bunch of wrong choices and no right ones. You just have to choose which wrong choice feels the least wrong”
“Every choice has a consequence, every consequence another choice. Little agonies waiting to be embraced. Only the moment before the choice really weighs anything. Very heavy moments, exploding into nothing.”