“The sons of the masters were roaming the world, looking for arms to hold them. And the arms that might have held them--could not forgive.”
“If her enemies were Brigan's friends and her friends were Brigan's enemies, then the two of them could walk through the world arm in arm and never be hit by arrows again.”
“She had fat arms, the type of arms that held sailors and soldiers and thieves. The kind of arms that held someone who was going away to jail for ten years. They were the arms of a woman who had eaten a hundred delicious cakes and pastries to get them this comfortable.”
“The library door was thick and none of the ordinary sounds that might have reminded them, might have held them back, could reach them. They were beyond the present, outside time, with no memories and no future,”
“I guess this was what it felt like to love someone and feel like you had lost them. Even when you were still holding them in your arms.”
“I realize that I only have words and that, from time to time, as I hold them in my arms I am less lonely.”