“He gives my hand a tight squeeze, but that desperation, that urgency between us is gone. No insecurities. Max and Fang. Fang and Max. No longer a question. We just are.”
“Jackpot, Max! Jackpot!" It was Fang and he was giggling hysterically.For those of you just joining us, Fang doesn't giggle, esspecially hysterically.”
“Max: "Fang! This is a huge break! Of course we should go check it out!"Fang: "But we're grounded."Max and Fang: (stare at each other for a second and burst out laughing)”
“I choose you, Max. -Fang”
“What happened to your tan?"--Fang"It was dirt." --Max”
“Fang felt a cold jolt, then dismissed it. Max wasn’t dead. He would know, somehow. He would have felt it. The world still felt the same to him; therefore, Max was still in it.”