“You stand out like a fart in a church.”
“Nope, you stick out like a fart in a church.”
“I want to do it too!” said Gazzy, sitting very, very quietly, completely motionless.“Nope,” said Nudge, shaking her head. “You stand out like a fart in church.”
“I want to do it too!" (sitting motionless)Nudge: "Nope, you stand out like a fart in a church."Max: (muttering) "Appropriately enough."Iggy: "What about me?" (stands still)Max: "No, you're visible."Iggy: "Am not!"Max: (throws a pinecone at him) "Could I do that if I wouldn't see you?”
“The tension between her lack of control and her attempt to suppress it is horrible. It's like a fart in church.”
“You've got questions coming out of you like farts on Thanksgiving.”