“God did not mean us to be ignorant. He left us this marvelous universe to decipher and understand.”
“If God did not wish us to understand the book of Revelation, He would not have given it to us at all.”
“He had always loved God. In his darkest hours he cried out, "God did not create us to abandon us.”
“God has a prepared path for us to follow. We just have to read the omens he has left for us.”
“If there is a God who made us and we did wrong before His eyes—as George says—at least we did wrong only because we were as God made us, and I do not think that He should set traps. Oh, you should know better than George! Let us not bring all that back into the world again—the angry God, the mean God—the one who does not tell us the rules of the game, and then strikes us when we break them. Let us not bring Him back.”
“God doesn't expect us to be a walking encyclopedia of biblical knowledge. He wants us to know Him, to be in a relationship with Him. This means not only hearing but allowing our understanding of God to change the way we live. Like the wise builder who laid the foundation of his house on the rock, we learn to let our knowledge of God change us.”