“A seeker went to ask a sage for guidance on the Sufi way. The sage counseled, "if you have never trodden the path of love, go away and fall in love; then come back and see us.”
“SCARBOROUGH FAIR, or, THE LOVER'S PROMISE(Lucy:)Are you going to Scarborough Fair?Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeRemember me to one who lives thereAlways he'll be a true love of mineTell him I've made him a magical shirtParsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeWithout any seam or needlework Always he'll be a true love of mine(Zach:)Tell her she's found me an acre of landParsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeBetween the salt water and the sea strandThat makes her a true love of mineTell her she's plowed it with just a goat's hornParsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeShe's sowed it all over with one grain of cornYes, she is a true love of mineAnd her daughter forever a daughter of mine(Together:)Are you going to Scarborough Fair?Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeRemember us to all who live thereOurs will be true love for all time”
“THE ELFIN KNIGHTAre you going to Scarborough Fair?Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeRemember me to one who lives thereShe must be a true love of mineTell her she'll sleep in a goose-feather bedParsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeTell her I sear she'll have nothing to dreadShe must be a true love of mineTell her tomorrow her answer make knownParsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeWhat e'er she may say I'll not leave her aloneShe must be a true love of mineHer answer came in a week and a dayParsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeI'm sorry good sir, I must answer thee nayI'll not be a true love of thineFrom the sting of my curse she can never be freeParsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeUnless she unravels my riddlings threeShe will be a true love of mineTell her to make me a magical shirtParsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeWithout any seam or needleworkElse she'll be a true love of mineTell her to find me an acre of landParsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeBetween the salt water and the sea strandElse she'll be a true love of mineTell her to plow it with just a goat's hornParsley, sage, rosemary, and thymeAnd sow it all over with one grain of cornElse she'll be a true love of mineAnd her daughters forever possessions of mine”
“Sometimes in Dohnavur we, who dearly love the little children about us (and the older ones too), have looked up from some engrossing work to see a child beside us, waiting quietly. And when, with a welcoming hand held out, to the Tamil "I have come," we have asked "For what?" thinking, perhaps, of something to be confessed, or wanted, the answer has come back, "Just to love you." So do we come, Lord Jesus; we have no service to offer now; we do not come to ask for anything not even for guidance. We come just to love Thee.”
“Oh yeah, you’re a regular sage. Shouldn’t you be sitting on a mountain somewhere cultivating a long white beard waiting for knowledge seekers to come to you?” “Have I mentioned that sarcasm has the potential to be detrimental to the natural beauty of your face?” he countered.”
“You never go away from us, yet we have difficulty in returning to You. Come, Lord, stir us up and call us back. Kindle and seize us. Be our fire and our sweetness. Let us love. Let us run.”