“You’re getting a tattoo? What is going on with you, Abby? Did you breathe toxic fumes in that fire?”
“I’ve wanted you for so long, Abby. You’re all I want,” he breathed against my mouth.”
“His breath hitched, and he regarded me hungrily. “You’re playing with fire, you know that?” “That’s weird, considering you’re an ice prin—” I didn’t get any further, as Ash leaned in and kissed me.”
“They’re never going to change. You gotta get that into your head. What they did up there? They’ll keep doing that forever. You know why? Because they’re withholders. That’s what power is all about. Not giving people what they want. So you know what that means? It means you’ve got to stop wanting. Stop wanting them to love you, or be proud of you, or whatever it is you’re after. ’Cause you’re not gonna get it.”
“We don’t care about what you did yesterday—we care about what you’re going to do tomorrow.”
“If you constantly expect the worst from someone, that’s probably what you’re going to get.”