“When the trees and the power lines crashed around you, when the very roof gave way above you, when the light turned to darkness and water turned to dust, did you call on Him? When you called on Him, was He somewhere up there, or was He as near as your very breath?”
“Thinking about dark and troublesome things, wondering when they'll come to pay you a visit, turns out to be the very best way to call them to your side.”
“Forget how vast darkness can beFocus on how powerful your light is…When you turn it on”
“You have what I call a "male brow." Which is a frown brought on when you're thinking about your male and you either want to boot him in the ass or wrap your arms around him and hold him 'til he can't breathe.”
“If you want to call a man to account, don’t do it when he is weak; call him to account when he is strong! Cowards choose the first way and the valiant choose the second way.”
“Why is it that when you wipe up dust its called dusting but when you wipe up a spill its not called spilling? Just something to think about.”