“...and no other attempt made at secrecy than Mrs. Norris's talking of it everywhere as a matter not to be talked of at present.”
“Mrs. Norris hitched a breath and went on again.”
“Women would rather talk to other women than to men, even when they would rather talk to a man than to a woman.”
“But why would it matter? We aren't ... or...uh...weren't ..." Which is it, Jess? "Aren't" or "weren't"? Present or past tense? Now or then? "We haven't been talking to each other." Past imperfect tense. How appropriate.”
“It's not easy to find a topic. Talking of home is painful. Talking of the present unbearable.”
“Everyone knows of the talking artists. Throughout all of the known history of the world they have gathered in rooms and talked. They talk of art and are passionately,almost feverishly, in earnest about it. They think it matters much more than it does.”