“Every body at all addicted to letter writing, without having much to say, which will include a large proportion of the female world at least…”
“Every body allows that the talent of writing agreeable letters is peculiarly female.”
“It is this delightful habit of journalizing which largely contributes to form the easy style of writing for which ladies are so generally celebrated. Every body allows that the talent of writing is particularly female. Nature might have done something, but I am sure it must be essentially assisted by the practice of keeping a journal.”
“To write a love letter, you have to start, without knowing, what you want to say, and end, without knowing what you have said.”
“Write all the time. I believe in writing every day, at least a thousand words a day. We have a strange idea about writing: that it can be done, and done well, without a great deal of effort. Dancers practice every day, musicians practice every day, even when they are at the peak of their careers – especially then. Somehow, we don’t take writing as seriously. But writing – writing wonderfully – takes just as much dedication.”
“No one was dancing, least of all us, because I don't dance in public. My body's a private thing; it doesn't belong to the world at large.”