“Marianne Dashwood was born to an extraordinary fate. She was born to discover the falsehood of her own opinions, and to counteract, by her conduct, her most favourite maxims.”
“Her own fearless audacity had surprised her, though she knew she had been born for more than her life had asked of her thus far.”
“She pictures his jovial figure, dressed up in his T-short, shouting that Kafka was born in Prague, and she feels a desire rising through her body, the irrepressible desire to take a lover. Not to patch up her life as it is. But to turn it completely upside down. Finally take possession of her own fate.”
“Nix had told Emma before she'd left for Europe that on this trip she would 'do that which you were born to do.' Apparently, Emma was born to get kidnapped by a deranged Lykae. Her fate sucked.”
“Good God! Willloughby, what is the meaning of this?" -Marianne Dashwood”
“Marianne had sharp, cold eyes and she was spiteful but her father loved her.”