“As Carrie Fisher once said in a film, everyone thinks they have good taste and a sense of humour.”
“Isn’t he cute? That he thinks he has a sense of humour?”
“I fell in love with her for her sense of humour. If she ever lost her sense of humour, I would have to dump her. Then I'd kill myself because I couldn't live without her.”
“Following Jesse's wonderful advice I will have to change my quote to:If have a sense of humour, you'll love my books; if you don't have a sense of humour, please read my books nonetheless--no matter what you have please just read my books.”
“I can't think of any film that improved on a good novel, but I can think of many good films that came from very bad novels.”
“I think that God's got a sick sense of humour, and when I die I expect to find him laughing.”