“Fairy Tales always have a happy ending.' That depends... on whether you are Rumpelstiltskin or the Queen.”
“I wished that, for once, faery tales – real faery tales, not Disney fairy tales – would have a happy ending.”
“Who says happy endings are only in fairy tales? Pray, believe and wait patiently on God and He will make a fairy tale out of you”
“[Life] wasn't a fairy tale, and it didn't have a happy ending--but then again, no story did. In the end everybody dies... But you can be happy right up until the last page...”
“If you wish for something hard enough, the fairy tales teach us, you can get it in the end. But it's hardly ever the way you thought it would be, and the endings aren't always happy ones.”
“It was not a happy ending of the sort in fairy tales, butit was the only one we had.”