“Personally, I'm a lazy kind of guy, and leaving the door open on the mystical saves me work. I don't have to stress my brain trying to explain the unexplainable. It's magic. End of discussion.”
“Yeah, it's Friday and they open it for students eighteen and over with IDs. I'm gonna score me a true babe tonight," Chester grinned.Charlie stuck his head in the door. "Want some lessons before you try to score with the dancing, Chester?""Nah, I just kinda shimmy around and raise my arms above my head and act like I'm having a seizure. Works every time.""Well, if nothing else, maybe a cute girl will try to give you mouth-to-mouth," Will chuckled. "See you guys later.”
“(Samson is talking to a bum on the street.) "A guy stops near here every morning with a truck-picks up guys to do yard work, but he only takes Mexicans. Says whites are too lazy....I'm not lazy," the bum said. "I earned a degree in philosophy." "I'll give you a dollar," Samson said "I'm having trouble finding work in my field." (The bum replied)”
“You come to work every day but you hardly get to know anyone. I don't even know the names of half the people I see in the elevators. They say the company is a big family, but I don't know them. And even the people I do, like you two, and Elizabeth, and Roger - do I really? I mean, I like you guys, but we only ever talk about work. When I'm out with friends, or at home, I never talk about work. The other day, I tried to explain to my sister why it's such a huge deal that Elizabeth ate Roger's donut, and she thought I was insane. And you know what, I agreed with her. At home I couldn't even think why it mattered. Because I'm a different person at home. When I leave this place at night, I can feel myself changing. Like shifting gears in my head. And you guys don't know that; you just know what I'm like here, which is terrible, because I think I'm better away from work. I don't even like who I am here. Is that just me? Or is everyone different when they come to work? If they are, then what are they really like? How can we ever know? All we know are the Work People.”
“It's not that I'm lazy, it's just that I don't care”
“In the end, what I love most about contemporary yoga is its ability tosynthesize the everyday with the extraordinary, the practical with thevisionary, the mundane with the sacred. I love that yoga can work torelease my tense muscles, negative emotions, and psychic detritus at thesame time. That it can connect me to my body in ways that create newneural pathways in my brain. That it offers a practical tool for copingwith everyday stress, as well as an intuitive opening to the hidden magicof everyday life.”