“Fairy's side note: Even people who don't believe in magic really do.”
“Again, if there are really no fairies, why do people believe in them, all over the world? The ancient Greeks believed, so did the old Egyptians, and the Hindoos, and the Red Indians, and is it likely, if there are no fairies, that so many different peoples would have seen and heard them?”
“I don't differentiate much, except in degree, between people who believe in religion from those who believe in astrology, magic or the supernatural.”
“Life'd be a lot easier if it were like a fairy tale," said Cassandra, "if people belonged to stock character types.""Oh, but people do, they only think they don't. Even the person who insists such things don't exist is a cliché: the dreary pedant who insists on his own uniqueness!”
“Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
“I think that people who can't believe in fairies aren't worth knowing. ”