“Rhino-mounted Bantu shock troops could have overthrown the Roman Empire. It never happened.”
In this quote by Jared Diamond, the idea of the potential power of Bantu shock troops mounted on rhinos is presented in a hypothetical scenario. By stating that such a force could have overthrown the Roman Empire, Diamond is highlighting the importance of factors such as military tactics and resources in shaping historical outcomes. This quote underscores the idea that historical events are often contingent upon a variety of factors and opportunities that may or may not have been realized. Diamond's use of imagination serves to demonstrate the complexity of historical processes and the potential for different outcomes based on alternative circumstances.
In this quote by Jared Diamond, the idea of what could have been in history is explored. While the notion of rhino-mounted troops overthrowing the Roman Empire may seem far-fetched, it is an interesting concept to consider in terms of power dynamics and missed opportunities. Today, this quote serves as a reminder of the potential outcomes of historical events and the impact they can have on the course of civilization.
"Rhino-mounted Bantu shock troops could have overthrown the Roman Empire. It never happened.” - Jared Diamond"
Reflect on the concept presented by Jared Diamond that rhino-mounted Bantu shock troops could have potentially overthrown the Roman Empire. What factors do you think may have contributed to this not happening? How important do you think military strategy and technology were in the rise and fall of ancient empires? Could different outcomes have occurred if certain events in history had played out differently? How does this concept challenge traditional views of historical power dynamics and conquests? What other historical scenarios can you think of where small changes could have had significant impacts on the course of history?
“This agglomeration which was called and which still calls itself the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.”
“The ancient world found an end to anarchy in the Roman Empire, but the Roman Empire was a brute fact, not an idea. The Catholic world sought an end to anarchy in the church, which was an idea, but was never adequately embodied in fact. Neither the ancient nor the medieval solution was satisfactory – the one because it could not be idealized, the other because it could not be actualized. The modern world, at present, seems to be moving towards a solution like that of antiquity: a social order imposed by force, representing the will of the powerful rather than the hopes of the common men. The problem of a durable and satisfactory social order can only be solved by combining the solidarity of the Roman Empire with the idealism of St. Augustine’s City of God. To achieve this a new philosophy will be needed”
“People always say I have hands as large as the Roman Empire. I guess it just goes with the territory. Romance, it’s all in the gloves.”
“never thought I'd see a jaguar brought to its knees by rhino shit." Oberon”
“That was very good of him. Remarked Prince Kaunitz, chancellor of state and minister of foreign affairs of the Holy Roman Empire, on being told of the death of Joseph II Holy Roman Emperor.”