“He’s not my son, but his last name is Myson. Same spelling, big difference.”
“Spelling a person's name is the first step toward killing him. It takes him apart and empties him of meaning. This is why God is afraid to have his name spelled.”
“He had a last name for a first name, and a last name for a last name, but only because it came after his first name (the one that sounds like a last name). Otherwise, his last name would sound like a first name.”
“There was his father, looking totally different but exactly the same.“Hey, son,” his dad said, his voice bending in that weird way that America had started to shape it.”
“They actually succeed in spelling his name right in the newspapers. That in itself is fame, on the continent.”
“Who is this man I’m supposed to interview, this man whose last name is the same as the color of my sweatpants? Is that a sign?”