“I would answer the door for the pizza delivery guy wearing my birthday suit, but it had cake all over it so I sent it to be dry cleaned.”
“My name is Mortimer Alexander and I am a licensed summoner.""Darn. I'd hoped you were the pizza delivery guy.”
“My grandma came over yesterday, and I had just jumped out of the shower, so I answered the door in my towel. I know it was a little indecent, but I didn’t have time to dry off and change out of my wetsuit.”
“I stood in the doorway pondering the difference between naked and nude, and the pizza delivery guy probably wondered if I was going to go put on some clothes and pay him.”
“I'm going to wear my birthday suit, even though it barely fits in the middle when I get excited and it stretches out.”
“The event happened on my birthday. I don’t remember the date, I only know it was my birthday because there was no cake or presents.”