“I’ll steal the letter X, and replace it with treasure. So sex would then be spelled setreasure, but it’d still be just as pleasurable.”
“If you replace the letter "s" with the letter "x," you can make a lot of plural words naughty. For example, "fences" would become "fencex," and I'd say good fencex makes good neighbors.”
“Sex pleasure in women is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken.”
“Every minute with you, Darling Eve, is a minute to treasure."She slid a glance toward him as she uncoded the seal. "You really do want sex.""I'm still breathing, so that would be yes.”
“If Warren Buffet made chocolate, I’ll bet it’d be really rich. And corrupt.”
“A letter is a soul, so faithful an echo of the speaking voice that to the sensitive it is among the richest treasures of love.”