“Just to show my dad that I think he's number one, I bought him a urinal cake for his birthday.”
“I tried getting my dad to buy me a beeper for my birthday,” he says, “but he thinks only doctors and drug dealers need them.”
“The event happened on my birthday. I don’t remember the date, I only know it was my birthday because there was no cake or presents.”
“Whenever I see a strange man at a urinal, I always approach him slowly and say, “Dad, is that you?”
“For my last birthday, Dad bought me a pocket-sized Collins English Dictionary. It would only fit in a pocket that had been specially designed.”
“I wanted a ponytail for my 16th birthday, but daddy never bought me one. He thought that not only would I not be able to ride it, but it would also be unsuitable for a young lady to be a young man.”