“To live a sinless life is good, but if you live in a cave and positively influence nobody, you may not have harmed anyone, but since you added no value to life, are you really worthy?”
“You can never really live anyone else's life, not even your child's. The influence you exert is through your own life, and what you've become yourself.”
“If you carry someone else's fears and live by someone else's values, you may find that you have lived their lives.”
“If you wanna live a good life, start thinking positive and start talking positive. Use your brains and mind.”
“Mogo living brings about true freedom. When you have the inner conviction to do the most good and the least harm, you are free to say no to media, social, and peer pressures. You are free from a nagging sense that your life does not have value or meaning. You are free to imagine and then create a truly successful (in the deepest meaning on the word) life. You are free to be at peace with yourself and all those whom your life touches.”
“You have to fight for what you want in life. You can't live your life in the shadow of your brothers or sisters or parents; you have to live your life, and make it a good life, because you only have one.”