“Maybe someday, I'd find someone who'd prove he really loved me. Someone who'd hold me rather than let me fall. Someone who'd never lie to me.”
“I frantically opened my address book and searched it for someone, anyone, who'd moved me, who'd been good in both bed and brain. No. A slew of the so-so.”
“Was he smart enough? Introspective enough? Was it just enough to love him, or should I attach myself to someone who seemed farther ahead of me, someone smarter and more ambitious than me, who'd be sure to carry me along into the version of adulthood I thought I should be striving for?”
“With each step my heart broke for the person I would never find, the person who'd love me.”
“...only someone who'd never been an animal would put up a sign saying not to feed them....”
“I thought of the priest who'd told me that many religions hold that it is easier to be closely connected to people we love after death than before.”